Configuration Options
Note: You can also review the different chain configurations for EVM and Substrate.
Chain Configuration
Field | Description | Optionality |
http-endpoint | Http(s) Endpoint for quick Request and Response | Required |
ws-endpoint | Websocket Endpoint for long living connections | Required |
name | The chain name | Required |
explorer | Block explorer, used for generating clickable links for transactions that happens on this chain. | Optional |
chain-id | Chain specific id. | Required |
private-key | The Private Key of this account on this network. See PrivateKey Docs for secure setup | Required |
beneficiary | The address of the account that will receive relayer fees. | Optional |
runtime | Indicates Substrate runtime to use | Required for Substrate |
suri | Interprets a string in order to generate a key Pair. In the case that the pair can be expressed as a direct derivation from a seed | Required for Substrate |
pallets | Supported pallets for a particular Substrate node | Optional |
Contract Configuration
Field | Description | Optionality |
contract | Chain contract. Must be either: - VAnchor - SignatureBridge | Required |
address | The address of this contract on this chain. | Required |
deployed-at | The block number where this contract got deployed at. | Required |
events-watcher | Control the events watcher for this contract. | Optional |
withdraw-config | Config the fees and gas limits of your private transaction relayer. | Optional |
proposal-signing-backend | a value of ProposalSigingBackend (for example { type = "DKGNode", node = "dkg-node" } ) | Optional |
For specific examples, please refer to either data-querying setup, private transaction setup, or signature relaying setup docs.
Last updated on February 1, 2023